Research files: General
Scope and Contents
Agenda for Seattle: City City planning document Jan. 1972;
Application to Plant fish in private pond. 1974 Port Townsend WA.;
Mr. Herbert's visit to CSUF. Mr. Herbert and Dr. Willis McNelly;
"Blues Book Proposal";
Mss. Spiral Bound, Xerox "The Cheesburger in the Rose Room" by the Novel Company (Dick Hilly);
Critical Commentary regarding Mr. Herbert and his writing;
Correspondence- In date order; undated on top.
Frank Herbert. "Doll Factory/ Gun Factory". Mss. Xerox. 28 pp.
Frank Herbert Collection. Powell, Ivor. " Dune- an approximate breakdown of action and events within each chapter. 9/27/1979.
Frank Herbert. Dune. Screenplay. Mss. Xerox copy. Plus 2 pages cast of characters.
Frank Herbert Materials. Education Topics
Dr. Willis. McNelly (CSUF)
Miscellanous notes. Authors + Sunjects unknown.
1 sketch of house exterior.
"Environmental Community"; Univ. of Wash. Advisory Comm. On Environmental Studies
Frank Herbert tribute (1986) d. 2-11-86.
Contributions by Dr. Willis McNelly et all including copy of 1969 transcript
"The Heaven Makers" Ms. Typed Carbon 12pp Rewrties + Corrections
Frank Herbert Materials. Science Fiction Simulations. Blurbs.
Frank Herbert Materials: Health Care Delivery. Background information
"Houshold accounts and Receipts"; Minor business related items; list of medical specialists.
Draft Interview of Frank Herbert by Charles Platt + Cover Letter
Lazarus Effect
Frank Herbert Materials. Ireland- background information
Frank Herbert. Japanese Tea Garden. Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. Article +
Background information
Article and notes on nutrition
Frank Herbert Materials. Blurbs on Various Organizations.
Items related to Scientific issues other than Ecology + environment
Frank Herbert Materials. Information on his Career as a paid speaker.
Frank Herbert: Speech to Assoc. Booksellers of America (ABA), Speech and Notes.
"Tillers" Editing Script. Related to land recognition in Vietnam + Pakistan + Roy S. Prosterman
Items Related to trip abroad to Europe
- 1950 - 1986
From the Collection: 91 boxes (78 Document boxes, 13 cartons of research files)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the CSUF University Archives & Special Collections Repository
University Archives & Special Collections
Pollak Library South Room 352 (PLS 352)
Fullerton CA 92831-3599 USA
(657) 278-4751